How to set Multi-level Categories?

BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software with Multi-level Categories #

Multi-level categories of the BOOK-G Appointment Booking System feature give its users the chance to request appointments from different employees who provide different services.

Service category analysis provides deep insights into customer experiences, emerging trends in the market, information about competitors and their marketing activities – these will enable you to make timely business decisions that will lead you ahead of your competitors.

Dividing the Booking System into Multi-level categories can sound complex, but…

Let’s say you are a local clinic owner. Many different doctors offer different services in your clinic. While some of these offer the same services, some services are completely different from others. Or these staffs demand different prices for the same services. Or they offer services in different categories. It can be complicated to create a system for users who want to make an appointment in such a situation. It isn’t easy to imagine. But BOOK-G has a feature that allows you to overcome all these problems easily.

How to set up Multi-level categories? #

BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software with Multi-level Categories
BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software with Multi-level Categories

Thanks to the multi-level categories feature, you can collect the services provided by team members under different headings. After determining the services included in each category, you select the team members who will offer these services.

BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software with Multi-level Categories
BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software with Multi-level Categories

Your customers know which categories they will request an appointment from after selecting the staff members to whom they will receive service. In this way, you can reduce the complexity of your process most simply by considering different staff members serving a wide range of services.