How to set Recurring Events Booking?

Recurring Appointments Feature #

With the Recurring Appointments feature, you can provide the opportunity to your customers to choose multiple days while making appointments.

Depending on the services you offer, you can offer your customers the chance to make an appointment for one time or multiple days.

To illustrate it with the simplest example, let’s say you are a yoga teacher, and you serve your customers once a week. Your customers can make an appointment for the upcoming weeks by making a single appointment without making a new appointment every week. The recurring Appointments feature can be used for all services of this type, not just yoga services.

Moreover, you have a lot of time interval options that you can plan. You can also choose how long the appointments will be scheduled or how many appointments will be repeated. So you don’t have to set up a time for each appointment or repeat the routine for an appointment.

Moreover, recurring appointments are automatically saved in your Google Calendar. If the recurring appointments requested by the customer coincide with another appointment, this problem is automatically resolved by the system.

So how do you set up Recurring Appointments? #

How to set Recurring Events Booking?
How to set Recurring Events Booking?

The most striking feature of the BOOK-G Appointment Booking Software is that everything is designed very simply and briefly for our users. To set up Recurring Appointments, we go to the Services section and select whether this service is repeatable or not. All we need to do is to set the criteria for appointment recurring. Also, in this section, you can choose how you want to request payment from the customer for recurring appointments.

When your customers choose Recurring Service, they can also choose appointment slots in your front-end’s Date and Time section.

How to set Recurring Events Booking?
How to set Recurring Events Booking?